Family Day Trip……

Living on the Coromandel Peninsula has it’s benefits – like being able to drive less than an hour to experience a fantastic day out!

Recently the kids and I embarked on what is fast turning into an annual event! We hop in the car, and make our way up the somewhat windy road towards Coromandel. About 10minutes before you hit Coromandel, just when it looks like you might be coming into civilisation again you turn off the main road on to “The 309”, it’s a windy gravel road that you expect to find in the middle of no-where but it’s not to horrible to drive! Just under 5km down this road you will find The Waterworks, sadly for us it was about 10 seconds to far and the windy/bumpy ride got the better of 2 of the kids (thankfully a bucket had been cleverly placed in the back seat in case of such an event!) So after a quick change of clothes for lil miss we went in.
You are greeted by the owners lovely dog, as you enter through the shop/cafe area. Once through here you are back outside and amongst nature.
There were many “highlights” but the first happened just after we arrived, lil miss needed the bathroom. Off we trotted down the path (stopping to have a chuckle at the “person” who had fallen down the dunny) only to arrive and find that the bathroom was very ‘kiwi’, a good old fashion long drop. Suddenly lil miss was concerned about falling into the toilet herself, and no longer needed to go – no matter how much I promised to hold on to her, she would not use the bathroom! So back down the path we went and started off around the many attractions that are offered.
As the name suggests the attractions are water based mainly, although there are some, like the working bee hive, that aren’t.

This page from The Waterworks website gives an overview of some of the water attractions.
The big hits with my kids were the water bikes, the water canons and the handful of water features that you were able to wet (either a gentle shower or a heavier spray) an un-expecting person – read their mother – the boat race at the end was also great in their eyes (not so much in mine but that could be because I lost 😦 ).

Another fantastic feature of The Waterworks is the playground – swings, slides, giant mouse/rat wheel, flying foxes, flying bikes, obstacle course – and everything is big enough that even the keen Mums, Dads, and Grandparents can have a play too!
We spend just as much time here, as we do playing with the water! There is also plenty of space for a picnic or if BBQ is more your style you are able to use one of the free BBQ sites…and don’t forget your swim wear because there is an awesome swimming spot located near by too!

They also have an “open weekend” once a year, the entry price is usually dropped to $5 or less and the last couple of years they have “unveiled” a few new attractions on that weekend too.
All in all a day spent at The Waterworks makes for a great day out for the whole family. We personally have had ages ranging from Toddlers to Grandparents and all have enjoyed themselves!

Here is a few photos from a couple of the times we have been –

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